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Jura Coffee Machine Repairs

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For over 30 years, Cafè Du Monde has been a trusted name in the UK for all things coffee. Passionate about delivering that perfect cup, The Cafè Du Monde team are experts in espresso machines and how to maintain them. 

A key part of the Cafè Du Monde offering is the range of Jura coffee machines. Renowned for their quality and innovation, Jura machines are a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. From brewing barista-worthy espressos to producing large quantities of cafetiere coffee, there's a Jura machine to suit your needs.

Jura X10 Commercial Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

Jura coffee machines

Your Jura coffee machine is an investment. That's why the dedicated Cafè Du Monde team stock a wide range of Jura machines to suit a variety of needs and budgets. Along with expert repair services to keep your machine running smoothly for years to come.

What’s more, the Cafè Du Monde team are Jura specialists with a deep understanding of the inner workings of these machines and the ability to diagnose and repair any issue you might encounter. If you’re considering purchasing a Jura coffee machine, here’s a brief overview of the selection available at Cafè Du Monde. 

  • Jura WE6: This mid-range machine is perfect for small offices or home coffee enthusiasts. It offers a variety of brewing options, from espresso to cappuccino, and features a user-friendly interface for easy brewing.

  • Jura WE8: Building on the WE6, the WE8 offers additional features like a larger bean hopper and a hot water spout for making tea. This is perfect for areas with medium demand but requires variety. 

  • Jura X6: Stepping up in complexity, the X6 boasts a one-touch latte macchiato function and a colour touchscreen display for advanced easy operation.

  • Jura Giga X3: A powerhouse machine ideal for busy cafes or offices. The Giga X3 can handle high brewing volumes and features integrated milk frothing for creating milky coffee drinks.

  • Jura Giga X8 and Giga X8C:  The top of the line models, the Giga X8 and Giga X8C offer all the features of the Giga X3, plus an automatic cup warmer and a cool water connection for iced coffees. Truly the peak of the Jura range. 

Jura coffee machine service

While the Jura range certainly offers quality, it’s important to remember that even the best machines occasionally require a service or some repairs. Regular wear and tear, or occasional blockages, can hinder your machine's performance and prevent you from serving that perfect cup of coffee.

Cafè Du Monde, their skilled team of repair experts understand the frustration a malfunctioning coffee machine can cause. That's why Cafè Du Monde offer a comprehensive Jura coffee machine repair in the UK. The team of Jura specialists are equipped to diagnose and fix a wide range of issues, from minor blockages to more complex problems. They use genuine Jura parts and the latest repair techniques to ensure your machine is restored to full functionality, quickly and efficiently.

When you’re searching for Jura coffee machine repair near me, remember that Cafè Du Monde provide:

  • Expert technicians: Their team has the knowledge and experience to handle any Jura machine repair.

  • Genuine parts: Only use genuine Jura parts to ensure long-lasting repairs.

  • Fast turnaround times: They understand the importance of getting your coffee machine back up and running quickly.

  • Competitive prices: Their repair services are competitively priced to keep your coffee enjoyment affordable.

Don't let a malfunctioning Jura machine disrupt your coffee routine. Contact Cafè Du Monde today to schedule a repair appointment and get your machine back up and running properly in no time!

commercial coffee machine

Why is a coffee machine service important?

While Jura machines are known for their precision and durability, even the best appliances need attention to keep them functioning at their peak for years to come. Regular maintenance and repairs from a trusted service provider like Cafè Du Monde are essential for maximising the lifespan and working order of your Jura machine. Below we’ll cover why:

  • Early intervention prevents costly problems: Just like with a car, addressing minor issues promptly with repairs can prevent them from snowballing into larger, more expensive problems down the line. A clogged filter might seem like a small inconvenience but left unattended, it can strain the machine's internal components and lead to premature wear and tear.

  • Optimal performance and coffee quality: Regular repairs and maintenance ensure your Jura machine is operating efficiently. This means perfectly brewed coffee every time, with the right temperature, pressure, and optimal extraction for the fullest flavour. A neglected machine can produce weak, unevenly brewed coffee, defeating the purpose of having a high-quality machine.

  • Safety matters: Malfunctioning electrical components or leaking water can pose safety hazards. Repairs by a qualified technician ensure your Jura machine is operating safely and won't lead to any potential electrical or water damage.

  • Extends the lifespan of your investment: A Jura machine is a significant investment.  By prioritising repairs and proper maintenance, you'll get the most value out of your machine and enjoy perfectly brewed coffee for many years to come.

Cafè Du Monde's Jura repair specialists understand these machines inside and out. They can diagnose and fix problems quickly and efficiently, ensuring your Jura machine continues to deliver delicious coffee properly for many years to come.

Jura coffee machine repairs at Cafè Du Monde

Cafè Du Monde is dedicated to being your partner in every step of your coffee journey. From the very beginning, their coffee experts can help you find the perfect Jura machine to suit your needs and budget. Offering a wide range of Jura machines, from user-friendly bean-to-cup automatics to high-volume commercial machines, there is always something to suit your unique needs. However their commitment to your coffee experience doesn't stop there. Cafè Du Monde also supplies a variety of high-quality coffee beans, including ethically sourced fair trade options, to ensure you're brewing the most delicious coffee possible. As well as a range of fantastic Newby flavoured teas. 

To keep your coffee production flowing smoothly and without issues, Cafè Du Monde provide comprehensive Jura coffee machine repair services. Their team of specialists will diagnose and fix any issue, using genuine parts and ensuring your machine is back to brewing incredible coffee in no time.


If you would like to find out more about how our repair engineers can help fix your espresso machine then please select your preferred time to arrange a meeting or call.